To beloved bro: Mohd Fauzi Khalid aka POgiee
Selamat hari lahir
Semoga panjang umur dan dmurahlan rezeqie
Semoga Berjaya dunia dan akhirat
May God bless you with all you desire. Wishing you a very Happy birthday. Enjoy every moment of your precious life.

Another year has passed in your life, making you even wiser and stronger. Let your age not age your spirits. I wish you a very Happy birthday.

dear brother, I wish you a very happy and joyful year ahead. May God love and care you, as you did for me. May you live a long and beautiful life. Happy Birthday.
You made me smile, cry and fight. You gave, shared and snatched. But you never ceased to love, care and bother. I wish I can go back in time, and slap myself every time I hurt you. I Wish you a very Happy Birthday. May god pour all his love and warmth on you.

My heartiest wishes to you on your Birthday. Have a successful year filled with success and glory. Enjoy your day and the life ahead.

My love for you knows no bounds. My respect for you is equally immense. You are my ultimate emotional support and my sweetest friend. Every memory from the gone years, makes me glad that you are my brother. And I wish you a very warm and happy Birthday. I love you, my brother.

Turn the challenges you face in to opportunities, consider the weaknesses you have as a motivation to improve, and polish your strengths in to your uniqueness. I wish you a very Happy Birthday. May you always make your own way, as you walk through this journey, called life.

I wish you live a thousand years so that you can keep spreading your magic to the whole world. After all, why should I be the only one to suffer! Happy Birthday!

I wish you live a thousand years so that you can keep spreading your magic to the whole world. After all, why should I be the only one to suffer! Happy Birthday!
On your Birthday, I wish you a year full of success and glory. With faith, courage and dedication, no dream is too big. Keep up with your efforts, staying oblivious to the results and you will certainly get what you desire. I wish you a very Happy Birthday.
Hehe dia tgh tido...Td buka posa sama sama...onie menulis blog…lagi beberapa minutes nk pukul 1200 menandakan masuknya tarikh lahir pogiee..huhuhu onie mau post terlebih awal…sbb nk tido awal..esok nk bangun sahur n esok sekolah....selamat hari lahir pogiee………………………….
1 comment:
happy belated birthday..
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