Thursday, June 7, 2012
Day 14 means 2weeks..yeap dah dua minggu I'm been sarawak.memandangkan iPad ni baru je anutannye ditukar daripada maxis ke celcom:) hehe sebabnya tempat Kc skng ni maxis sgtbterhad so for my convenience I was change to celcom. Welcome aboard celcom;) eh pasal celcom plak..ok ok nk cerita harinye xtiviti. Pic? Sgt soiee xdpt nk upload sbb iPad ni nth xley plak nk upload bercerita without pic..hehe ok ok xkisahkan uolsss..janji x basi blog Kc ni.ok hari ni nk cerita Kc g Sarikei.g watpe.....hah sbelum tu nk habaq main Kc skng kat smk Beladin,Betong Sarawak.yeap dh dpt mengajar katsini,bagi yg lom tahu..Perlu ke bg tahu?...
Ok ok nk ke Sarike it's take about 1 n half hours journey,so early in da morning kami.yeap kami.kami means ramai kan.hehe from semennjung yg dpt posting sama Sekolah ngn Kc 11 org.ada Dari upm, usim n utm. Paling ramai upsi ler...hehe awal pagi leps solat subuh kami dah siap.subuh awal kat kami pg naik van, van Perlu di tempah sehari sblm nak gerak. So kami gerak around 630am from Sekolah,then all the way nk ke sana or mana mana tempt keluar Dari Beladin kami Kena naik ferry dulu...nak rsa naik ferry mohleeeer kite ke beladin.ok naik ferry Dlm 10 minutes je.leps naik ferry kami pun zazzz ke Sarikei.this is about Sarikei
Sarikei is a town, and the capital of the Sarikei District (985 square kilometers) in Sarikei Division, Sarawak, east Malaysia. It is located on the Rajang River, near where the river empties into the South China Sea. The district population (year 2010 census) was 56,798. The population is culturally mixed, with mostly Iban, Melanau, Malay and Chinese predominating.
The economy of the town is primarily agricultural, and Sarikei is famed for its pineapples and its pepper. The center of town has many old Chinese shophouses from the 1930s. It is also a major transportation hub for traffic on both the Pan Borneo Highway and the Rajang river. Anybody traveling by road or express boat from Kuching to Sibu must pass through Sarikei.
The most distinctive feature of the bustling waterfront is a 3.6 m high pineapple statue.
The town itself consists of a main road, Repok Road which is bisected by another road leading to the new development in Kampung Seberang. Paham x? Tak Paham u guys googles translate laa erkk..
Hah actually g sarikie ni,ktrg beli barang barang segala macam untuk keperluan umah sewa n personal. Td rasa McM baru menikah, yelahhhh beli dapur gas rice cooker mangkuk periuk belanga tilam bantal sudu senduk sudip n bla bla bla. Haha slain itu settle kan medical checkup n Kc g angkat sumpah. Huh Cauca sgt panas Yerk. tp best nye Sarikei McM McM hado bank pun byk n kedai nk me beli belah jugak bnyk.then we r moving back around 230pm n Smpai kul 4pm n gambang van sokrg rm24hengget....itu shj Sekian..dah masuk mgrib sini 640pm.k jumpa lagi :)
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Bahaya lipan kepada manusia Lipan ialah haiwan dengan gigitan berbisa. Sengatnya sangat menyakitkan dan apabila terkena akan menyebab...
Assalamualaikum.. Tengok tak semalam anugerah industry muzik ke 18, 2011. Actually big thanks to RABBANI cz bg exclusive invite to us, so ...
Kenapa banyak tulisan kat blog KC ni banyak garis-garis? Hehe... thanks for updating KC. May Allah bless you ;)
Tulaaa pasal...Kc update Guna iPad....huhuh
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